To Don Davide Milani                                                                                            June 15, 2021
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Reverend Monsignor,
On La Provincia di Lecco I read an article according to which, the Provost of Lecco, Monsignor Davide Milani, said: "I return to my land and it is an honor; here there is an incredible tradition: obviously I also have some fear... my friends know that every couple of years I re-read I Promessi Sposi. It is a work in which there is the theology of history and the epic of Man and which I love very much. This is the year I will re-read it. I will try to be less Don Abbondio and more Father Christopher.»  [In the Manzoni novel,  that every Italian child reads in school, Don Abbondio is a 17th Century parish priest, in a village near Lecco; he obeys threats, by a local potentate, Don Rodrigo, not to celebrate the wedding of a young couple.  Fra Cristoforo is the saintly monk who sabotages the kidnapping of the bride, ordered by Don Rodrigo.]
In the summer of 1940, my parents wanted to get married. It was also urgent, I was in the middle, and my father could not come to get baptized, he was in concentration camp. It was not a place of horror, it was an Italian camp, in Southern Italy.  My father was a young Jew, who had come to study medicine in Italy, since in Poland, at the university, Jews were not allowed.  He had just graduated in medicine, at the University of Bologna, where my mother also studied medicine.
Once, when the Duce liked Jews, many Jewish students came to Italy to study. Then, he made a misalliance with Hitler, and imposed racial laws, by which the state excluded Jews from many activities, and also prohibited intermarriage. To please his new friend Adolf, the Duce said, "this marriage is not to be done, neither tomorrow nor ever."  [Those were the famous words that Don Rodrigo's goons had addressed to Don Abbondio.]
My grandmother Renée, went to see the bishop of Trieste, Monsignor Santin. He gave her the address of a parish priest, where he told her to go in a few days. When my grandmother arrived in the indicated Slovenian village, then part of Italy, on the Karst Plateau, the parish priest had prepared a beautiful false baptism certificate: from the baptismal lists he had deleted the name of a child who had died, replacing it with the name of my father.  Thus my parents' wedding could be signed.  Being illegal, the wedding was not transcribed to state records.
This was a serious breach of the law for the parish priest. It was an illegality for the bishop, and risky, also for him: precisely in Trieste, in one of those "oceanic gatherings", the Duce had proclaimed the racial laws;  in Trieste there were some jerks who believed it. A whistleblower in the bishop's curia could have forced him to resign, as had happened to his predecessor, Monsignor Luigi Fogar, who had been ousted for ordering that catechism lessons continue in Slovenian, despite the ban ordered by the prefect. There were, in Trieste, not a few who hated Slovenians. And Monsignor Santin, I am told, did such illegal things for other persecuted people. He was no Don Abbondio.
With a will dated the 4th of May, 1590 Giovanni Antonio Airoldi, notary of Acquate, left all his assets to the foundation of a hospital for the poor to be named after the Virgin Mary. This Will is to be considered the official act that marks the birth of that institution that with time will become the current Instituti Riuniti Airoldi e Muzzi.
"As for all my other properties, movable and immovable which I now possess, and which I will leave on the day of my death, I institute and establish as my heir general and universal, the Blessed Virgin Mary, so that a house and hospital may be built, and in her house shall gather all the poor of the territory of Lecco, who may have room, board, bread, wine, and food, and clothes according to their status.
There is no doubt that the Instituti Riuniti Airoldi e Muzzi is a Catholic institution, independent but part of the charitable structures of the Catholic Church. The Provost cannot be expected to intervene in every Catholic institution in the city; on the other hand, a Catholic institution is not expected to fall under the control of people who, from a nursing home and charity, turn it into a home of detention, cruelty, and exploitation. If this happens, tolerating it would lead to a loss of esteem and honor for the Church.
Until October 2020, Prof. Carlo Gilardi was free and in good health. He was a rich man, but he rode around town on an old bicycle. He wrote poetry and worked on his campaign, where he kept his dogs, cats, goats, pigeons.  Prof. Gilardi had annoyed some neighbours because of his perhaps excessive charity; he gave help to every person in difficulty in Airuno, including some Muslims, and that had annoyed some locals.
The decision to go for the Final Solution of the Gilardi Problem was made when the professor took a lawyer and denounced his court-appointed lawyer, for embezzlement. At that moment, two court-appointed lawyers saw their careers in jeopardy; perhaps even a judge, had similar concerns, for having tolerated thefts small and large, too long.
There were other interests. As Roberto Bonfanti, financial advisor of the Gilardi family, said: "I, under professional oath, said: 'I will never reveal it to anyone.'.. I was ordered not to mention where he is hospitalized."
Clearly, there was a group of Airuno notables who were part of a plot against Prof. Gilardi; here, someone organized, someone gave orders. 
For various reasons, including perhaps the will, they wanted to take away the professor's freedom.
[The affair was well known, so I did not need to explain the details to Monsignor Milani, who represented in Lecco the Archbishop of Milano, Monsignor Delpini.  Professor Gilardi was, or still is, a multimillionaire, but lived in Franciscan simplicity and rigor.  Some local notables persuaded his ninety-yer-old sister to ask a judge to appoint an attorney to protect the patrimony of Gilardi from his excessive generosity to anyone who asked for help.  Without a hearing, a judge appointed a lawyer, to control the money of Gilardi.  He was not allowed to check his accounts, but someone did him a favor, and he was able to see that his bank account was used by different lawyers in town as their bancomat.]
They had already taken his money, to protect his wealth from his generosity--perhaps on behalf of an heir?--but there was nothing else they could do. Then they thought about it a while, and decided that everything was possible, if they lied carefully. They needed a doctor ready to lie, and they found him. He had to sign a paper saying: "I have a well-founded suspicion that this person presents serious psychic alterations such as to require urgent investigation. In addition, the subject explicitly refuses the assessment."
Prof. Gilardi had recently presented himself to a psychiatric examination, which had given the following result: in regard to "Carlo Gilardi, no abnormalities or signs suggestive of pathology in progress emerge. He presents well, behaves appropriately and politely. He presents integral eloquence... No signs or symptoms of psychopathological relevance emerge. Thought is devoid of both formal and content alterations... he also retained judgment capacity... no expressive signs of mental or cognitive deterioration."
In response to the broadcast of the program of Le Iene on Prof. Gilardi, the Public Prosecutor's office in Lecco filed a complaint against some Muslims who had received gifts or hospitality from Prof. Gilardi; the Public Prosecutor's office did not show any concern for the hundred Christians who had received much more money from Prof. Gilardi.  A mediatic trial of the Muslims soon followed, during which every local newspaper wrote that the judge approved the professor's detention to protect him from the Muslims who had taken control of him.
In addition to the doctor, a willing mayor was required to sign the arrest order for investigation. The mayor knew that the doctor was lying; he knew well that was not the professor's doctor, but just a neighbor who had an office in town. But the entrapment of the old man had been masterfully organized, by specialists. There was no possibility of error or mishap, this would be the perfect crime.
Here's the plan, with which they were certain to do away with Gilardi:
a. The carabinieri [police] bring Gilardi to the psychiatric section of the Istituti Riuniti Airoldi e Muzzi, "for observation."
b. In three days, the psychiatrist declares Gilardi sane, and opens the door.
c. At the door, two strong nursing assistants are waiting, who with good manners grab Gilardi.
d. Gilardi refuses the institutionalisation; the order is to ignore the protests.
e. The director, turned to warden, orders that the detainee's name to be removed from the list of residents.
f. The warden orders that the detainee be denied mail and telephone.
g. The inmate disappears.
This is how we can become desaparecidos in Italy. There is no doubt that it would have been more pleasing to the professor to end up in a sack with a concrete block, at the bottom of the lake. But their plan was more evil: they wanted to bury him alive. And no one would have heard anything more, of Prof. Carlo Gilardi, until the day of his funeral and the opening of the will, had it not been for Brahim El Mazoury, whom Prof. Gilardi had welcomed into his home many years ago, as a seven-year-old boy, with his father and brothers.
I quote from my Complaint to the prosecutor of Lecco, published on
"Once arrived in SPDC [so you have to call an insane asylum, according to the law] another series of violations of the law began. It is not credible that Prof. Gilardi did not ask for access to the telephone. A man who had shown himself fiercely determined to remain free does not become a humble and willing prisoner between Brivio and Lecco, some twenty miles. If he did not call the lawyer and his assistant, Brahim El Mazoury, we know that he was drugged or that he was denied access to telephone and mail, in violation of his "right to communicate with whoever he deems appropriate," according to Law 13 May 1978, No. 180, Art. 1.
If we do not feel the duty to ask our judges for explanations about what happens in our detention houses, do we have the right to complain about detention houses in China? If our detainees have no right to call the lawyer, can we be outraged if the detainees are denied a lawyer, in Iran?
It is likely that the psychiatrist at the institute, to maintain the appearances that this hospitalization was a normal event, caused by abnormal and disturbing behavior, found something to treat, something like insomnia and headaches. Since Gilardi rejected hospitalization, giving him an Optalidon or aspirin qualified as T. S. O. and as such it is likely to have been recorded on Gilardi's medical record. In confirmation of this, two whistleblowers who work at the Institute confirm that Gilardi opposed the admission, and suffered a T. S. O., 15) while the judicial authorities insist, without offering evidence, that Gilardi, suddenly and secretly, converted and gladly entered the Institute."
In three days, Prof. Gilardi was discharged from the SPDC, sane. At the door he was forcibly enlisted into the RSA. For the extraction of the victim from his home, persuasive force in black uniform was used. For the transfer from SPDC to RSA the persuasive force in white coat was used.
As reported by whistleblowers on Le Iene show, "when he arrived [in RSA] he was angry and in protest refused the ECG, bathing, even eating."16) on Gilardi's medical record you could read" definitive hospitalization and opposing patient." 17)
[ Here once again I used words that are very clear to Monsignor Milani; in an interview, he had mentioned personages from the novel I Promessi Sposi ]  There was a Don Rodrigo of the XXI century, or rather a Doña Rodrigo, a judge, who from the top of her secure legal castle, ruled over the countryside, on that arm of Lake Como that turns south.  She had a serious problem: one of her wards had found himself a fearless lawyer who had dared to accuse one of her goons. Doña Rodrigo,  made some phone calls, and someone very important agreed to help her.
Thus disappeared the most dangerous and richest old man of Airuno; people thought him dead, but he was swallowed up alive, silently. As long as there was covid to terrorize us, for Doña Rodrigo and for Griso, it was not bad, because everyone only cared about his own business. Now, however, as the country reopens, they get nervous, it will be more difficult to block the friends of the professor, who begin to see the system of support administration as a gulag, created to exploit and swallow the weak.
The three lawyers, Doña Rodrigo, the Griso, and the notables of Airuno, fear that freedom of movement and the good season involve risks for them. This would explain the new abuses against the professor, such as denying him the pen with which to write. It is these things that seem to be done in order to lead Prof. Gilardi to despair, to collapse, to suicide.
Can the Church allow this to happen within a Catholic institution? Can the Church allow a Catholic institution to become a private prison to lock up an old man to protect some local gentlemen from criminal charges? Or maybe the idea is to make him change his will?
In this manzonian reiteration, we have in Lecco an untouchable Doña Rodrigo, who can deny you the right to a lawyer, who can discard psychiatric assessments, who can turn you into a desaparecido, if she likes it. She can also allow her friends to take what they want from the bank accounts of the "protected"."
Here there is also the Griso [ the mean goon of Don Rodrigo], in the person of the director of the Airoldi E Muzzi, who orders employees to lie, denying that Prof. Gilardi is at the Institute, if anyone ever came looking for him. Our Griso gives orders to the employees: they must lie, they must run away when a journalist approaches, asking for news. Even the sisters, at the exit of the Airoldi and Muzzi, have orders: flee they must, and not say a word. But this is a religious order, it is part of the Catholic Church, it is present at the Institute, as we have seen on television.                   
Here is the unpleasant reality: Professor Gilardi, a devout Catholic, sentenced to life imprisonment, is held prisoner in a Catholic institution, for reasons of power and profit, in the presence of members of a Catholic religious order; their silent consent was openly ordered by Griso.
Of the seven works of corporal mercy, the sixth, "visiting prisoners" was forbidden by Doña Rodrigo' goons. They fear that the professor's friends and his cousins will tell us what they saw and heard at the Institute; therefore, no visits. In the asylum or in prison, Prof. Gilardi would have more rights. They fear that Ms. Maria Bassani, who wants to visit him, would tell what she saw and heard at the Institute. She worked for the Gilardi for fifty or sixty years, and Prof. Gilardi gave her a nice big house; they fear that she will tell what the prisoner says.
And let us not allow the Griso to say now, that it cannot be done, because of covid. They must have a nice garden at the Institute. Aren't they all vaccinated? Infection in the open air at a distance of one meter, does not happen. It almost happened once in a village in China, when two friends met on the corner, and they talked for a long time. But of course at least they shook hands, they hadn't seen each other in a year. That's the only case of open-air infection we find in medical journals.
So far, in this story, the most important figure [from the Manzoni novel] has been missing; now however, now that the reality of the kidnapping of Prof. Gilardi is clear and undeniable, now that Your Excellency is aware, I know that you will have the opportunity to intervene, following in the footsteps of Fra Cristoforo.
I ask Your Excellency to accept my deferent greetings.
Matteo Bojanovich
Via Navali 1